outdoor storage
We provide shrink wrapping for your boat/pontoon to help protect it from the outdoor elements. Shrink-wrap will help keep your boat/pontoon dry from the rain, snow and ice during the cold winter months. Indoor storage also available.
indoor storage
We provide indoor cold storage year round for any recreational vehicle whether it’s an ATV/UTV, boat, pontoon, camper or RV. Shrink-wrapping and outdoor storage also available.
2 stroke outboard
Change gear lube
Put STABILE in the gas
Fog motor
Grease tilt pivots
Check trim motor for water
Disconnect batteries
4 stroke outboard
Change gear lube
Put STABILE in the gas
Grease tilt pivots
Change oil & oil filter
Check trim motor for water
Disconnect batteries
I/O Inboard outboard
Change gear lube
Put STABILE in gas
Change oil & oil filter
Fog motor
Drain water from block
Add antifreeze to block
Grease pivot points
Disconnect batteries
2 stroke jet ski
Put STABILE in gas
Fog motor
Drain water from block
4 stroke jet ski
Put STABILE in gas
Drain water from block
Change oil & oil filter